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The Zeolite Homepage of Volker Betz
Mineral Specimen Photography
Black Backgrounds

Black background ist the most easy  to make and usefull for all specimens , except of course  for all very dark or  black ones.(see setup 1)
The specimen is mounted with some distance over a  glass plate.  Only the specimen ist lightened. The background, a black cloth, in the far distance (30 cm) below the glass plate  is kept in the dark. Even if you can see some with the eye in the viewfinder, the imager of the camera will produce a perfect black background. Keep in  mind , this works only well if the glass plate is out of the focus range. Otherwise you have to struggle with dust. But if the dust is not in focus, it will not desturb very much. Use f= 8 and focus stacking fo small specimens.

Specimen mounted with putty and metal rod on glass plate.
If the specimen  is put direct on the glass plate and  the glass plate is within the focus, all dust whill be unwanted sharp visible on the picture and disturb.

Black cloth as background.

Below: specimen mounted (detail)

blackBackground Lights
Specimen is illuminated with 3x 20 W  parabol spot lamps and diffusor screens. The background with no light is in the dark. Below the resulting picture with the archive information.
Photography My pictures
at Mindat
Photography Service Picture Labels Leitz Ortholux I Benefits of stackingHome
Vertical SetupVertical Setup 1Vertical Setup 2Vertical Setup 3 Vertical Setup 4 Vertical Setup 5 Vertical Setup  6
Table Top SetupGlass PlateAcryl glass on glass  Inclined view  Diffusor tunnelDiffusor tunnel
for gradien
 Black on  glass
Backgroundsblackwhitecolouredgradientcolour spotsConclusion

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