1. and 2. Mareantes and Playa de Caleta E of Hermigua |
E of the Playa de
Hermigua are ruins of a former Banana harbor. Near
to the partially destroyed road to that harbor and at the
N-Slopes of the Marenates hill, zeolites are abundant.
The paragenesis consists of Analcime lining the cavities
in small crystals followed by Thomsonite in fan-shaped
aggregates of bladed crystals and Natrolite/Mesolite
needles often in oriented intergrowths with the
Thomsonite. Also present is Chabasite in crystals of a
few mm. In the tide zone, which can be accessed only at
very smooth sea, pockets in a dark basalt are lined with
Analcime followed by Natrolite/Mesolite needles,
Thomsonite , Apophyllite (up to 7 mm). and Calcite.
Left: Mesolite/Natrolite Needles with
Thomsonite 6x5 cm
Thomsonite crystal ca. 2 mm
Mesolite/Ntarolite with Thomsonite ca. 3x5 mm
Down left:
Apophyllite and Calcite on Analcime ca. 6x9 cm
Thomsonite ca. 3x4 mm
Apophyllite on Natrolite ca. 4 mm.
Apophyllit xl ca. 7 mm on Analcime
3. and
4. Roadcut S Hermigua and road junction near El Rejo |
S of Hermigua the
road leads in several sepentines to the junction near El
Rejo. The Basatlic Rock along the road shows cavities
with Analcime, Natrolite/Mesolite and Calcite. Direct at
the road juction the rock contains nice Crystals of
Augite and some Analcime, Thomsonite and
Natrolite/ Mesolite similar to the location E of Hermigua.
Above: Augite Crystal 15x15 mm from
El Rejo. Left: Analcime
4x5 cm from roadcut S of Hermigua.
Analcime crystals 3 mm from roadcut S of Hermigua -Left: Calcite, 15 mm on
Natrolite from roadcut S of Hermigua |
Foot-Trail E Embalse Benchijichigua |
Above left: Thomsonite and
Phillipsite ca. 1-2 mm
: Hemispheres of Thomsonite and Chabasite
Left : Model-like
One of the popular walking tracks
of Gomera starts at about 1000 m near the Roque de Agando
leading south, down to Playa de Santiago. E of the
Embalse de Benchijigua and near the track zeolites are
abundant. Beside some calcite, small crystals of
Phillipsite, Chabasite and hemispheres thomsonite are
present. The lining of the cavities are very minute
Below: Phillipsite from
Benchijigua ca 1.5 mm
6. Car Track to
Erque E of Fortaleza
2km NE
of Fortaleza, the remakable table-mountain at SW-Gomera,
a car track descends down to the Barranco der Erque.
About in the middle between the two first U-turns a
yellow brown tuff is exposed to the surface. This tuff is
very rich in fine Augite Crystals up to about 2-3 cm.
Fine crystals can be easy collected from the surface or
broken from the soft rock . Matrix specimen are difficult
to get.
Beside Augite a few
Hornblende crystals with rounded faces are also
Left : Rounded Horblende Crystal
2 cm
Above: Augite
Twin after (100) 22mm
Above: Augite Crystal-Cluster
25 mm
Left: Augite Crystal 12 mm in
Roadcut E of La Dama |
E of La Dama a small road leads to
La Rajita, a closed Fish-Factory at a small gravel beach,
the Playa de La Rajita. A few hundred NNW of La
Dama the road crosses a vesicular lava of which the
cavities are covered by Spherules of Carbonates (Calcite
?). Beside the Carbonates very small Phillipsite and
Chabasite crystals are also present.
Left : Calcite spheres fom La Dama.
Specimen is 9 cm wide.
Montain Track Valle Gran Rey
Around the Valley
Gran Rey several mountain paths allow hiking in the
butyful screnery. At the estern slopes small Phillipsite
and Chabasite have been found.
9. Playa
de Alojera
At the small harbor the vesicules in the
rock are coated with flat Calcite rhomboedrons.
Roadcut NE of Epina |
Altered rock near the road, about
in the middle between Alojera and Eipna, contains
vesicules with larger Calcite Scalenohedrons (above
6x8 cm)and fibrous Mordenite. |
Above : Calcite with Mordenite,
3x5 cm |
Rothe P.(1996) Kanarische Inseln
(Sammlung Geologischer Führer 81) -2. Auflage 307 pp
Berlin, Stuttagart
Ternes B. (1992) Mineralfundstellen aud der
Kanareninsel Gomera - Lapis 17, 42-45