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The Zeolite Homepage of Volker Betz
Mineral Specimen Photography
Vertical view

Photographing  a detail of a mineral specimen  and photographing a whole specimen can be different tasks.  The most significant  difference is taking care for a background.  Another point is the field of view. While details  of a specimen are typically  in the range from 1 mm to a few cm, the whole specimen can be in the range of meters, but mostly from about 2 cm to  less than 50 cm. And around the specimen there is a background !

Some photographers donīt take much care for background and so many different objects are visible: Blurred landscape, table linen or other kind of cloth, grass, hands holding specimen in the skye, boxes , specimen holders and so on.

To have maximal control over the visible background I recently arranged my equipment for specimen photography new, as described below.
Here a repro stand is in use. Alternative the camera can also connected to a  tripod, or the repro stand is used in inclined view modus and pictures of minerals  on the background setup are taken from the front, like here the whole equipment.was photographed.

Canon EOS 450 camera with Canon EF-S60 mm Macro lens, connected via USB-Calble to Computer. Remote controlled using Helicon Remote  and Life view  and automated stacking. All pictures are take with f=8 for maximal sharpness.  Focus and exposure time are remote controlled.

Repro stand with attached translation sledge and camera

Glass plate  ( photo frame) 60x80 cm.

Home made frame of aluminum profiles 50x75 cm to carrry glass plate.

Black cloth for black backgrond. Marked with white string (for better visibility)

Wooden Table with row of switchable power plugs and covered with black paper.
Picture 1:  This setup is used for black background.

Photography My pictures
at Mindat
Photography Service Picture Labels Leitz Ortholux I Benefits of stackingHome
Vertical SetupVertical Setup 1Vertical Setup 2Vertical Setup 3 Vertical Setup 4 Vertical Setup 5 Vertical Setup  6
Table Top SetupGlass PlateAcryl glass on glass  Inclined view  Diffusor tunnelDiffusor tunnel
for gradien
 Black on  glass
Backgroundsblackwhitecolouredgradientcolour spotsConclusion


Đ 2009-2011  by Volker Betz, all rights reserved