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Mineral Specimen Photography
Table top - acryl glass with diffusor tunnel


Table top photography with inclined view of camera is an alternative to vertical view with cameras on a repro stand.  There are several reasons  to this type of arragment:  It is the way we "natural look"  and it  can handle very large specimens , which can be difficult for the vertical view of the camera. There is some tendency that larger specimens are photographed with  inlined view  and smaller with the digital microscope type of vertical view. Soft light distribution  and soft shadows are obtained with a light tent. The tunnel like shape of  a light tent shwon below I name a diffusor tunnel. The end is open
diffusor tunnel
wuestenrose _weiss BCK
Wüstenrose variety of gypsum from La Pared, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.12x7 cm.  Photographed with 2 spots from top and  a diffusor tunnel on white  acryl glass. Slight shadows under the specimen.  With an extra backlight under the acryl glass plate the shadows can be surpessed. (see below) 
Wüstenrose variety of gypsum from La Pared, Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.12x7 cm.  Photographed with 2 spots from top and  a diffusor tunnel on white  acryl glass.  With an extra backlight under the acryl glass plate the shadows are surpessed. 
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at Mindat
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Vertical SetupVertical Setup 1Vertical Setup 2Vertical Setup 3 Vertical Setup 4 Vertical Setup 5 Vertical Setup  6
Table Top SetupGlass PlateAcryl glass on glass  Inclined view Diffusor tunnelDiffusor tunnel
for gradient
 Black on  glass
Backgroundsblackwhitecolouredgradientcolour spotsConclusion

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